Although the prices of new textbooks are constantly on the rise, most college and university students have no other choice but to buy them every year, spending up to several hundred dollars on a single curriculum-required manual. Fortunately, though, there are ways around paying top dollar on new edition textbooks if you are resourceful and know where to look for convenient deals. Here is a list of places where you can buy textbooks for lower than the usual market price.
Dedicated Search Engines
A number of websites allow access to textbook-specific search engines that allow visitors to search by title, author, or ISBN code. The search engines browse through many different online portals containing the publications you are looking for, allowing you to compare results by price, or whatever other criteria you may have in mind. Most searches will direct you towards online bookstores, some of which may present you with highly affordable offers on both new and used textbooks. With a number of said resources you can also sell textbooks for convenient rates, so that you can gather back some money at the end of the college/ university year.
Sites Offering International Edition Learning Materials
The cost-effective alternative to regular textbooks, international editions are usually identical to what you would normally find in your own college bookstore, and can be purchased through various specialized websites. The reason for which such learning materials are more affordable than their regular equivalents lies in their lower overall production and shipping costs, since they are intended to cover a wider segment of the market.
College and Public Libraries
Sometimes it may not be necessary to buy textbooks in the first place. If you are willing to pay a visit to your local college or public library whenever you need to do a conspectus of a lesson for a particular class, and the corresponding textbook is available for checkout, then you are set. The bad news is that college libraries keep most of their textbook copies in the reference area, which means you won’t be able to check them out, but instead use them internally for a couple of hours at a time. Even so, libraries are a good option for eliminating the need to buy some textbooks, especially the ones that you will be using the least.
College Bookstores
Most bookstores offer the possibility to buy both new and used textbooks, so if you are looking for bargain deals, you may want to look for them in the latter category. Buying a copy of a textbook with a classmate and sharing it during the semester is also a good way to economize. Since bookstores typically offer students the option to sell back their textbooks at the end of the year as well, seizing this opportunity will help you recover some of the original investment. However, note that some of the better buy-back deals are not available among brick-and-mortar bookstores, but among online sellers instead. If you take your time and look for convenient offers online, you may be able to sell textbooks for up to 60-75% of their original price!
For more resources about where to buy textbooks or to sell textbooks, please review these links.