Finding The Perfect College Or University

This time of year high school seniors are stressing over this question: Which college or university is my perfect school?

Should I join a student body of tens of thousands, or do I want a school only twice the size of my high school? How far from home do I want to be? Are the dorm rooms nice? Is the food good? What support is available for freshman? Is the weather colder or warmer than home?

The more a student frets about finding the perfect college, the more the student loses sight of what college is really supposed to accomplish-a bachelor’s degree and a diploma. To alleviate this stress (and make home a lot more fun) use the following ideas.

First look at colleges that offer the major or career that interests your student. Even if the college has the best dorms in the country, if your student can’t study his or her passion, then those dorm rooms won’t matter.

Next, consider the academics. Will your student be at the top of the class, in the middle or near the bottom? Does it matter to your student? Can your student perform well in a huge, auditorium style class or does your student need a smaller setting with personalized attention from the professor?

Can the family afford the costs? The list price is just that, the list price. Using the financial aid forms, the list price may not be what you pay. If the school seems perfect in every way except the list price, apply and see what financial aid is offered. Many students have been able to attend a more expensive private college paying less out-of-pocket than the out-of-pocket costs at a public, state supported institution. The idea here is to apply and see what financial aid is offered in your award letter.

Finally, consider the college’s or university’s graduation rate. Students attending college do so with the expectation of earning a bachelor’s degree after investing thousands of dollars and thousands of hours in learning. Unfortunately, not all colleges and universities provide this diploma.

Currently, fewer than 60% of incoming freshman will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in six or fewer years. Studies have shown that characteristics of a college such as private or public, large or small, elite or average, do not impact the graduation rate as much as practices within the college or university. The graduation rate for an institution can help determine if your investment will result in that college diploma.

For those stressed out parents and students looking for the perfect school, please realize there is no “perfect” school. Many colleges and universities will more than adequately provide the education, networking, and fun desired. Choose your college or university in April using your best information. Buy the sweatshirt, love the dorms, join a club and make this choice your “perfect” college or university.

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