Centennial College offers college courses that are catered to suit the different needs of its student population. Are you a mature student looking to fast track your education? Centennial College has college courses to help you do so. Are you unsure whether college is even for you? Centennial College’s prep college courses are for that very purpose. In total, there are 100 full-time programs and 140 part-time college courses. Let’s take a look at their range and purpose.
Full-time college courses: Falling under Schools of study (Business, Communication, Media and Design; Community and Health Studies, Engineering and Technology Applied Science, Hospitality Tourism and Culture; and Transportation), these college courses are typically attended five days a week and feature aspects such as practical learning, field experience, lab work and more.
Part-time college courses: The offerings under this umbrella of college courses are designed to offer students an alternative that is convenient for those who may be too busy to attend classes five days a week. As such, part-time college courses are conducted on evenings and weekends, making them accessible to those already in the workforce or those with other responsibilities. Also, under this umbrella are college courses students can take online or through print-based correspondence. These last two options allow students to study from the comfort of their own home.
University and college prep courses: These college courses are essentially pathways to further education. Students earn an English, general education and university transfer credit and graduate with a certificate or a diploma. The college courses in the Foundations certificate programs are meant to assist in developing a thorough understanding of personal, academic and professional attitudes and skills.
Joint program courses: Collaborative or joint programs with Ryerson University and the University of Toronto are offered in areas such as nursing, applied microbiology, environmental science and technology, journalism, new media studies and paramedicine. The college courses in these programs offer practical and technical strengths of a college diploma and the theoretical foundations of a four-year bachelor degree.
Co-op college courses: A sub-division of full-time programs, Centennial College’s co-op programs offer college courses that see students going off-campus to work in companies in their field for a specific amount of time. During this time, they apply their classroom education to real world experiences.
Fast-Track college courses: For those with previous college or industry experience who are seeking a shorter study time, Centennial College offers fast-track college courses. These college courses are presented in a condensed format that allows students to enter mid-program.
Degree college courses: Within these four-year programs are college courses that balance practical skills and the theoretical background in extensive subject knowledge employers are looking for. As a result, students earn a Bachelor degree.
Graduate Certificate college courses: Affordable, short in duration and providing opportunities for hands-on work, internships and placements with prospective employers, these college courses are for those with a previous post-secondary education looking to make a career change.
Apprenticeship college courses: Apprenticeship is a system of learning by doing. It consists of on-the-job training with an employer and related class studies in college. Centennial apprenticeship courses focus on turning students into skilled professionals in the transportation field, one of Canada’s largest industries.