Centennial College Offers Degree Programs At College Level

Having been established in 1966 as Ontario’s first public college, Centennial College offers programs in business, communications, community and health studies, science and engineering technology, general arts, hospitality and transportation. It is also always on the cutting edge to ensure that it is keeping up with the demands of the times. One example of this is the offering of degree programs. These options are beneficial to those students who: don’t think university is the right choice for them, can’t afford university, want a way to prepare themselves for university while obtaining transferable credits, and more. The unique college degree programs at Centennial College provide students with a combination of theory and hands-on experience that you would normally obtain at university level.

As already mentioned, one of the options within Centennial College’s degree programs is the ability to bridge to university-level studies. In fact, Centennial has joined forces with several universities to support students in completing a degree and diploma or certificate. Among these college degree program options are: Bachelor of Science Nursing, Applied Microbiology, Environmental Science and Technology, Journalism, New Media Studies, and Paramedicine.

If, however, you would prefer to complete your degree program studies at Centennial College, there are two options. The first is the Software Systems Design undertaking. This degree program incorporates a unique curriculum that has been praised by the Software Human Resource Council. It includes courses such as: Fundamentals of Business and Information Systems, English and Communication Skills, Logic and Problem-Solving Strategies, Computer Architecture, Website Design and Development, Financial Analysis, Operating Systems Fundamentals, and many others. Jobs for graduates of this program include software developers, software engineers, systems analysts, business analysts, Web application developers, IT project managers and computer programmers/ analysts.

The other degree program at Centennial College is the Computer and Communication Networks program, which results in a Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences Degree. Ontario has a critical need for networking professionals and Centennial College was selected by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to deliver this program to address this demand. It is officially the only post-secondary institution in the province to offer a bachelor’s degree program in Computer and Communication Networking. Courses include: Business Consulting (provides the learner with the ability to identify, explore, develop and evaluate consulting processes and activities that would arise from dealing with multinational corporations with extensive enterprise networks); Enterprise Network Design (students investigate and design a variety of enterprise network configurations. Special emphasis is given to modeling and simulating networks and using the most advanced computer tools); Advanced Switching and Routing (students explore the advanced mechanics of switches, routers and their associated protocols and algorithms. The advance-level concepts regarding LAN switching, WAN switching, IP routing technologies and routing protocols, are explored in much details and reinforced within an environment of hands on labs); and more. All of the courses within this college degree program are conducted in small classes, which ensure individual attention from the highly qualified, full-time faculty.