Difference Between An Affiliated College And Deemed University

Many students out there keep asking the same question to the experts what is better, a college or a dedicated university. As long as some professional courses like engineering, M. Tech or MBA go, getting admission in a university is a far better choice. But before we go ahead on this topic, lets discuss about the difference between an affiliated college and a deemed university. Both of them are excellent places to study, and both of them have great educational atmosphere. Then what is the reason that more and more students are going towards deemed universities and dozens of universities are opening every single year?

The reason is simple. When you enrol with a college, it is registered or affiliated with a centrally located university. For example, in Rajasthan, all the engineering universities are affiliated with Rajasthan Technical University. It is the governing body for all the colleges. The examinations are conducted through it and all other academic activities are also managed through it. The benefit of having one such university is, the centrally governing body takes care of the activities of the colleges and thus all the colleges get an equal chance of participation when it comes to placement.

But this has a drawback as well. The colleges cannot apply their own rules and they have to follow the pattern set by the university. The equality is certainly a good thing but it has a negative impact as the college has very limited chances of applying new changes in their academic calendar.

On the other hand, a deemed university is an institution which manages the activities of the college by it. If there is a need of change, the university can force it. The university is responsible for maintaining its educational level. Such universities are generally treated well by the companies that conduct campus recruitments. But it may only happen once the university gets a good reputation in the market. A new university is never trusted well, but once established, it has maximum chances of attracting the recruiters.

Most of the educational societies these days are opening their own university to improve the education standard, and it is very successful as well. But as it is the rule of the world, only the best survive. Selecting an institute to complete your education is very sensitive decision. You must be very careful before selecting any college or university. Get good details about the institute before applying to it. The details may include their admission process, their educational environment, faculty, infrastructure, and placement history.

There are around 20 deemed universities in Jaipur providing state-of-the-art technical education. The competition is so tough that the students stuck finding the best amongst them. Another thing you must look for while selecting a university is the courses offered by them. This is particularly more important if you desire to complete your masters degree. A good university offers bachelors degree along with masters degree. Enrolling in one such university will keep you away from the trouble of changing your institute.