Have you ever thought about obtaining a degree but don’t think that university is the right choice for you? Are you interested in a degree program but can’t afford university? Do you want to attend college before taking the step to getting a university degree? Well, now there are alternatives to achieving that all-important degree. The first unique format offers you a combination of theory that you would normally obtain at university level, with the practical hands-on experience that is so valued by college students. The second format will see you bridge from college to university. Let’s take a look at how these degree programs work.
Centennial College in Toronto offers degrees that are four years in length. These undertakings allow you to develop both the practical skills you need to win the job you want and the theoretical background to give you the extensive subject knowledge employers are looking for. In these four-year degree programs, you will get the best of both worlds. Still have doubts? Don’t worry, so did Brendan John Coffey, who studied in the Computer and Communication Networks program, which resulted in a Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences Degree. Here’s what he had to say: “Going through the [degree program] at Centennial, I always had a bit of doubt as to how well it stacked up against programs at universities. The general feeling I got from other universities, and when I told people I was receiving a degree from Centennial, was that our degree was inferior and the education we received was substandard compared to other institutions. I can now tell you with 100 percent confidence that not only is the applied degree at Centennial up to par with programs at universities, but I feel we are better-rounded and better trained than the majority of students in our masters program. We are better disciplined, have better time management skills and can handle stressful situations much better than any of our classmates.” Brendan is currently studying International Masters of Business Administration in Australia.
Aside from the Computer and Communication Network degree program, Centennial College also offers a degree program in Software Systems Design. This program incorporates a unique curriculum that has been praised by the Software Human Resource Council. Of this Centennial College degree program, the Council said: “The unique curriculum will produce highly trained IT professionals with sound technical skills, a strong understanding of business, project management and excellent communication skills.”
In addition to these two college degree programs, Centennial College also offers choices that allow you to bridge to university-level studies. In fact, Centennial has joined forces with several universities to support students in completing a degree and diploma or certificate. Among the college degree programs that fall under this umbrella are: Bachelor of Science Nursing, Applied Microbiology, Environmental Science and Technology, Journalism, New Media Studies, and Paramedicine. Clearly, Centennial College is committed to giving students the options to fulfill their goal of achieving a degree.