Kasturba Medical College is one of the top most Medical Colleges in the Country, the first of its kind in India in the private sector. The College teaching staff is highly qualified & well experienced in teaching. The clinical teaching largely occurs in two of the very old Govt. District Hospitals in this part of the Country – a unique feature. The infra structure facilities of the College provides one of the finest environments for study. Manipal University is among the leading colleges and Institutions in India. Students from over 55countries are studying here shows the reputation of the University. Degrees from Manipal are recognized worldwide, making it a Mecca of educational services. The Kasturba Medical College began with just the pre-clinical section at Manipal as the students had to go to Mangalore for their clinical training. In 1969, when the clinical programme started in Manipal, KMC became a full-fledged independent college. University provides excellent educational facilities to over 20,000 students every year. It also has an active alumni base of over 72000 students across the world. With all the knowledge gained by making several thousands of graduates, backed by experienced faculty, excellent academic and clinical facilities, Manipal University provides a world class educational environment. Kasturba Medical College is the first college in the private sector who ranks among the top five medical colleges in the country today. Students from 44 countries have graduated from the college, and its degrees are recognized worldwide. Medical study is expected to be costly, still Kasturba Medical College fess structure is quite reasonable when compared to others. FACTS KMC, Mangalore is a constituent college of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), which is a deemed University recognized by an Act of UGC. KMC has exchange programs with Loma Linda University USA, Operation Eye Sight Universal Canada, Tay Side University Dundee and University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, started functioning in January 1955. Today, Manipal University (of which KMC is a constituent college) degrees are recognized in all countries. Manipal University is one of the top universities in India which provide higher education in the country with 24 professional institutions in medicine, engineering, management and humanities.