A number of students sign with relief once they leave school. However, these are only those students for who extracurricular activities have been a burden (or, perhaps, those who parents made going info particular kinds of sport). Everything is different in colleges and universities extracurricular activities are chosen to entertain oneself and to satisfy ones own needs. These needs may range from making new friends to trying something that one was embarrassed of at school (let us admit it, everyone liked sportsmen more than those who played on stage). So, what is the real purpose of extracurricular activities in colleges and universities?
Reasons for taking extracurricular activities
In a college or university, the value of extracurricular activities consists in the following:
1.Trying what you have never tried before. Your parents have no control of you anymore. Perhaps, you never wanted to play football, but you were made to. This is your chance to start doing what you really wanted.
2.Making friends. If you were trying to stay unnoticed at school, this is your chance to stand out. No one knows you here and it is time to show the world who you really are. Extracurricular activities (especially, such as theatre and political organizations) will help you to make new friends and become communicative.
3.Proving yourself that you are an extraordinary person. Have you always thought that you do not have any talents? This is not necessarily so. You have a chance to join the organization (club, etc) that you like; besides, you may join several to see what is really yours.
Do not live a passive student life. Try to experiment with extracurricular activities as much as possible. This will make your studying at college or university diverse and memorable.