Colleges and universities often have a wide, dizzying number of study programs available for students, especially when compared to what was offered at the high school level. It can be quite a challenge just to pick or choose which study programs to pursue. Here are some useful tips on what to study for college success or university success.
If you already know what field you want to be in for your future career, then it makes sense to take the related courses at university or college. If you intend on going to a professional program like medical school, you will have to take certain course prerequisites like biology and chemistry. But even after prerequisites, it’s still a good idea to fill up the rest of your course list with a variety of other subjects in order to get a wider field of knowledge. This is part of college success as you can take some courses as special interest. I took a course each on general psychology and basic law just for interest without the intention of ever becoming either a psychologist or a lawyer.
If you don’t know what career you want, then take the programs that interest you most for now. Sure, some degrees might result in getting jobs easier after graduation but trust me, if you take certain programs just to get a job, you will not be happy if you end up hating the field. Get an education with the programs you are really interested in and with effort, you will find jobs in the future.
No matter what program you take, there will be courses that will seem to have no use for your future career. I recall sitting in an organic chemistry class wondering why the heck I was learning that stuff anyway. I realized years later that the purpose of taking these useless (but difficult) courses was not to be able to use them in the real world. Their purpose was to teach you to think at higher levels. These subjects challenge your brains and help sharpen your minds. Think of these as exercise for your mind.
A sharp mind will help you in a future career, plan for your investments or anything else that will take some brainpower. Remember that college success or university success is not just about the grades. It is about how your mind is developed during those years.
Clint Cora is a motivational speaker, author and martial arts karate world champion. His book, “The Life Champion In You”, is about how to overcome challenges and achieve life success. It is one man’s journey from personal tragedy to becoming a karate world champion. More information about his speaking programs, books, videos, articles on motivation and success can be found at